For a while now we have been selling a small device which helps photographers make impossible shots possible. Let's say that your out shooting, you don't have a tripod or monopod and your shooting at speeds below a 30th of a second. Sure you could look for a tree or pole to lean against but chances are city planners or mother nature didn't have your photograph in mind when deciding on locations. Using the environment around you nearly always means that you are comprising on the image you actually want to make. Walking to the nearest tree or balancing you camera precariously on the bonnet of a car nearly always means that your changing the angle or perspective of your shot and compromising on what might have been.
The SteadePod changes all this, it allows you to get some measure of stability without compromising on how you want to make your image. It will never replace your tripod, and probably not even your monopod, but it is the third tier of camera support which allows you to get those shots that would other wise be impossible.
This is a great little video on how the Steadepod actually works.
I spent a few minutes trawling the internet to get a feel what other people around the world thought of these little devices and found a great review from Darwin Wiggett's blog
'Life and Learning Through the Lens'. The images below are courtesy of Darwin's blog and show a great example of what difference the SteadePod can make to your available light images.
Courtesy of Darwin Wiggett |
Courtesy of Darwin Wiggett |