New Little Camera From The Big O

on February 05, 2015

The Olympus OM-D E-M5 camera was a world shaker - little, solid, sealed up, with the kind of image results that made larger DSLR systems jealous. The image-stabiliser system was great and made sharper images in nearly all conditions. Many workers ditched larger and heavier systems to go with the Olympus mirror-less lead.

They can now do the same thing again with a NEW E-M5 MkII. Olympus have redesigned the sturdy workhorse to incorporate new features:

16 megapixel sensor that can be set to waggle around eight times in a second and to deliver a 40 megapixel image at the end. Wowsa! Look out hard drive.

Vario-angle touch screen.

New, bigger, and better grip.

Knurled control dials. Knurling rocks.

5-stop image stabilisation.

Improved weather sealing.

New bounce and swivel flash supplied with camera.

Anti-shake shutter curtain function to steady down long exposures.

Built-in WiFi.

Improved video.

Increased battery life - about 2 x what you got before.

Silent electronic shutter function.

These things are enough to suggest that current E-M5 users get another body - you can always use two on any professional shoot and the new one will process things a lot faster. Dedicated photo enthusiasts need no urging to hammer the piggy bank and get out buying - but as we don't know when they will get here to the store, we can only take pre-orders right now. I anticipate that the Olympus national reps will come give us a demonstration of it when it is ready to go, and we are preparing to be amazed.


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