For all of you out there who think that Ken Rockwell is always right about everything...stop reading. If you like to think for yourself, well Fuji have the camera for you. They have announced the little brother to the Fuji X100. It is small, tough, light, and as retro as you like! This camera will travel well.
The Fujifilm X10 is an enthusiast compact with a F2.0-2.8, 28-112mm-equivalent lens. It's built around a 2/3in (6.6 x 8.8mm) CMOS sensor that uses Fujifilm's EXR pixel arrangement. The 12MP sensor can produce either 12MP images in high resolution mode, under-expose half its pixels to provide 6MP images with greater dynamic range, or combine neighboring pixels for a 6MP high sensitivity mode. The X10 borrows extensively from the styling of the X100 (though its zooming viewfinder means you lose the X100's hybrid viewfinder), to give a camera that sits conceptually between the Olympus XZ-1 and the Canon Powershot G12.
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