Never Mind The Backing Track...

on July 07, 2019
Can it order pizza? Pardon the cynicism of someone who used to shoot motion pictures with a Kodak magazine 8 camera and provide his own soundtrack when the film was projected by singing to the audience. It all seems so complex now... Well, if you are determined to do motion picture work with your mobile phone to a better standard than just holding it up at the football, welcome the Saramonic Smart mixer. It will enable you to go that one step closer to a smooth presentation...but there will be temptation as well - more on that later. The basic kit that you get is a clamp for your phone, a handle for the support, and a and audio mixing box that is light enough to shoe onto the rest of the rig. There are small microphones included as well as the cables required to work into Android or iOS platforms. It can even pump out the 48+ volts than an XLR connection needs. There are level meters and battery power indicators on that small screen and it lights up if you're working in a darkened area like a concert or auditorium. And that's where the temptation comes in. You know that you're not supposed to make unauthorised recordings but something like this makes it so easy. It also makes it easy for the ushers to see you in the darkness and even having a blunt instrument to defend yourself with is not going to stop Security from nabbing you. Plus if the whole thing starts to rock you'll probably succumb to the temptation to wave it side to side like a Bay City Roller fan. Yeah, I've seen you. But come down to Camera Electronic and try the Saramonic on for size while they are in-store. If you are going to get into trouble, you might as well do it with good, advanced accessories...

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