May IN THE LOUPE - Item 6 - Ricoh Theta Cameras

on May 12, 2020
You may be wondering what these are. Those of you who've seen " 2001 -A Space Odessey " will have some clue - they are mysterious grey monoliths that make us smarter and help us to evolve... Well, that's a fun idea, but it's not too far from the truth - they are Ricoh Theta cameras that are designed to capture 360º images from both sides of their housings. They both have internal memory storage that can record up to 130 minutes of footage. You can live stream this, load it down into Lightroom Classic CC or use remote playback facilities to get our picture on the screen. It carried good audio from four independent directions for realistic sound. The differences between the V on the left or the Z1 on the right are an increased mega-pixelage for the Z1, adjustable aperture, and three-axis stabilisation. Both feature highly accurate stitching for a real-world experience in the output. What to do with them? make your podcast, broadcast, worm cast right now while you are sitting still, and take 'em out on a glorious journey wen that becomes possible. The images from this sort of immersive camera are far more than just the selfie. Attache them firmly to a tripod or hand rig and you have professional reportage in 360º. Which is kind of daunting when you remember that it not only sees what you see, but it sees you. Dress better than you planned to - people will remember. Oh, one final point. Someone asked how you access the inside of the cameras. You speak to them " Open the door, Hal..." Available on our webstore or call, or pop in to either our Murray St, or Stirling St store!

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