Losing It - With SanDisk, Promaster, And Hoodman

on May 07, 2013

Did you know who the largest supplier of digital camera connector cords, camera chargers, and mobile phone charges the world is?

Hilton Hotel chain. They source them from the things that travellers forget in their rooms when they
check out.

We get daily calls for camera cords and chargers, and nearly always we advise the frantic tourists to get a universal charger and a memory card reader. The card readers transfer the data much faster than most cords and the camera batteries are not depleted in the process. They are also much cheaper than replacement cords, particularly when you find a manufacturer that picks a totally unique socket for their camera

Herewith please note three readers in stock now. The tiny Promaster for SD only, the mighty Hoodman for SD and CF and the SanDisk for SD, CF, and Memory stick. If your camera uses the Guatemalan FDQ/X-3 card with the reverse frammis, don't lose your cord.

On another topic, look through the viewfinder or screen of your camera and point the lens at the Eiffel Tower. If the tower looks fuzzy and pink, you either need to stop drinking before lunch or clean the lens of your camera. And the viewfinder and the screen - get yourself a set of LensPen maintenance tools and set to work.

The Filterklear and the Lenspen will do the front of the camera and the tiny little Micropro will get the back clean. They have a cleaning compound and specially shaped applicators as well as fine brushes to lift off particulate matter.

If you have a grungy iPad or tablet look at the LensPen Sidekick cleaner - same idea with a big square replaceable cleaning pad. Your Facebook surfing will never look so good...

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