If you aren't prepared to do it, rest assured that your Golden Labrador or Beagle are. Also most of your kids under 4. You'll know when they've done it because your lens will be either cleaner or dirtier than it was before...and that'll tell us a lot about your approach to photography.
Years ago Ernest brought a handful of the then-new
Lens Cleanse packets down to the sales floor and gathered us around the counter. He then proceeded to take a standard zoom lens and put a big greasy Ernest fingerprint fair in the middle of the front element. He may have been eating chips at the time - it was a
memorable print.

Then he opened the Lens Cleanse wet packet, unfolded the paper cloth in there, and wiped the element until the print was dissolved. Then the dry towel packet and a polishing of that glass surface. As soon as the dry towel action became smooth and slick he knew the lens was completely workshop clean again.
There was enough cleaning and drying capacity in the two elements to allow the rest of us to repeat this feat on four more test lenses. We all got to feel the slick release point.
Well here's some good news. Camera Electronic has the Lens Cleanse system back in stock - in bulk. Come down and do yourself a vast favour in prospect by getting a half dozen of the packets and distributing them in pairs to wherever you keep cameras and lenses. You cannot predict when the dog or kids will visit nor how much sticky mess they will make, but you can be prepared to save your precious lenses when it happens. I keep first-aid stations in all my camera bags and I've used them too.
No, not the dog. Nor kids. Me...and I was eating a Bunnings sausage in a bun at the time. Lens Cleanse will cope with mustard and fried onions.