Leica Essentials Announcement

on March 14, 2012
We have just received news that Leica will be making significant product announcements over a wide range of items on 10-11 May 2012 - invitations and intriguing hints have been sent to a number of people.

The venue will be the Exhibition House in Berlin - in their words a culturally and photographically significant venue. It is expected that there will be products launched, though no hint of what these might be is given....or is it?

The title of the event is " Leica Essentials ". As Leica has always pared the experience of 35mm photography to the finest and most successful point, will this mean a similar approach to digital work? Or will there be more features and new lenses? Will there be new styles exhibited? We're curious here at the shop and we'll be reporting the news as fast as we learn it

One thing for certain - the invitation we have seen bears the name of Alfred Schopf, CEO of Leica - upon this authority, and taking into account the prestigious venue, the product unveiling will be important.

Stay tuned.

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