Learn On Disc

on December 28, 2015

I see there is a new rack of pre-recorded DVD's in the shop. The DVD's have some useful home training courses that may well assist newer digital users - as well as confirm the suspicions of more experienced shooters.

There's quite a bundle of them - I'm not sure if they are all going to be applicable to everyone but there should be something there for most tastes. You'll find them behind the counter near the Cokin filter wall. Check out these:

1. Learn How Yo Use Your Compact Camera - simple step by step videos.

2. Learn How To Use Your SLR Camera - settings and exposure explained.

3. Learn Photoshop Elements Quickly and Easily - my favourite program. You're soaking in it now.

4. The Ultimate Compact Camera Course - 2-disc set - concentrates on people, travel, and landscape.

5. Photoshop Techniques For SLR Photographers -3-disc set - things you really need to know about the king of editing programs.

6. The Ultimate Real Estate Photography Course - 3-disc set - things you really need to know about real estate photography. Meet the emotional needs of buyers. Hide the bathroom mould.

7. The Ultimate SLR Camera Course - 6-disc set - now you get studio, fine art, commercial, fashion, cruise ship and anti-tank photography.

We all pick up books from time to time and watch YouTube tutorials for new stuff but these discs give you the luxury of running the information on the screen at your own pace. Even if you know it all, someone you know may not and these disc sets may help them to advance in the hobby.

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