The word " Air " used to refer to a simple substance - the atmosphere that we have surrounding us. It was made up of many complex substances...and never more so than on Taco Night ... but you knew a hundred years ago that it was just gas that people were talking about.
Then came the advent of wireless radio transmission - Dad and Dave, Jack Benny, and " Oh , the humanity " and everyone was referring to the electromagnetic aether as " The Air ". " On The Air " was broadcasting and to a great extent it still is. Now we have it attached to any number of a thousand digital products that send signals to our cameras, flashes, mobile phones, and ASIO. I am always careful to think loyal thoughts when I turn on my studio wireless flash unit.
So why should we be surprised when the lovely little Lumecube takes to the air?
You've seen the report on this light here in past issues of the column - just run a search back to them and see what it will do in the studio. The Lumecube Air does all this with the different levels of light output, the flash capability, the on-line charging, and the constant colour temperature...but it adds the ability to control it from your mobile phone.
Good idea when you are right next door to it? Possibly, but even better idea when it is way up on a pole as part of a lighting setup and you need to tone it down or turn it up. No more scaling a ladder or pulling the rig down to make the change - give it a goose with the app.
There is also a magnet built into the setup to let you take advantage of ferrous surfaces for easy mounting.
Want a more diffuse ball of light emanating from that bright LED? Want a different colour temperature to match tungsten or candlelight? There are little plastic diffuser domes included in the kit.

It really is a field worker's best friend - you can pop this light anywhere to boost what you find in natural conditions and if you are clever you can make a whole lighting setup with these using absolutely minimal space. The lightweight enthusiasts will love them, as well as the inveterate action cammers.
I'm waiting for the first use on a Shamadan...