You might as well work hard; lifting bales and toting barges. And carrying the sort of lenses that make bales and barges feel lighter.
The working professional who needs to remain a distance from their subject while still imprinting a large image on the sensor needs a longer lens. That's optical physics. They also need a lens that works reliably, focuses fast, resists the effects of lousy weather, and delivers high resolution. A lighter barrel and less weight over a working day would be nice, too.
Enter the Nikon S-series lenses for the new mirror-less Z-mount cameras - the 70-200mm f:2.8 S and the 400mm f:4.5 S. Long, but not as heavy as you would expect. As precise as their predecessors on the DLSR mount, and very fast to focus. Both with powerful vibration reduction mechanisms.

Sports, events, weddings, wildlife, surveillance...all the money-earners that the professionals engage in. Photo safaris for the enthusiastic amateur. Car races, boat races, rodeos, etc. All good fodder for these longer optics. Even plane and train spotters will welcome the reach that keeps them off the tracks and runways yet fills the viewfinder.