Iconic Portraits For You To View - Avedon At The Gallery

on July 29, 2014

The Art Gallery of Western Australia will be presenting 80 iconic photographs done by Richard Avedon between 1949 and 2002. The exhibition will be open for several months and it is only the second venue wherein it has been offered within Australia.

Mr Avedon had the highest level of contact with celebrity in North America and Europe and used this to make some of the most transformational fashion images of the period.

These are black and white images but the people and the fashions depicted lose nothing with the absence of colour - indeed many gain a strength that is astounding. Every photographer will be rewarded in seeing this exhibition.

The exhibition will be opening on the 2nd of August at the Art Gallery of Western Australia - there are Adult tickets, concessional and group rates, special provision for children, and guided tours on some days. For more information, please go to the address:



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