Hola! - Shirtless Ones With Lytro

on December 03, 2012

We have good news for those photographers who have lost their shirts on the Melbourne Cup! Camera Electronic and Lytro to the rescue.

For everyone who buys a Lytro Light Field camera between now and Christmas, there will be a free Lytro polo shirt. No more will you be unfashionably bare - plus you can take great pictures!

The Lytro people have just sent through a note about new features for the cameras - all sorts of things can be uploaded and programmed into the cameras, including the ones currently out in user's hands. Now you get:

1. Perspective Shift - the camera acts as a tiny little macro stereo camera - as you shift the mouse on your Lytro image you can see back and around your subject and it looks as if it is standing from the background. This would be magic with close-ups.

2. Living Filters - a whole series of fun diffusion, vignette, and selective colour filters to give your Lytro shots art and life.

3. Manual Controls - if you want more than just an automatic view of the world this is the section for you - in particular if you intend to combine your artistry with the Living Filters. This blows that other mobile phone app out of the water. Plus remember your Lytro camera won't go off in your pocket and disturb everyone in the movies....

Please note we have Lytro bags and tripod mounts in stock now.

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