Here's One You Can Shift Into Gear For

on November 07, 2013

Hooray! We're going to have a Thorsten Overgaard workshop that features Leicas, cars, and girls! This should be enough to satisfy anyone in search of pleasure...unless you want to add pints of English ale and a muzzle-loading rifle shooting contest as well, in which case it goes from earthly delight to heavenly...I may be biased, there.

Never mind. On the 17th of November Thorsten Overgaard will be conducting a workshop detailing the best way to tackle these subjects, and then leading the photo shooters to Cottesloe Civic Center for the Celebration of the Classic Motor Car. There will be plenty of time to capture the cars and from the looks of the promotional lineup, there should be some remarkable vehicles. Anyone using a Leica has a great chance of coming back with classic images too.

Have a look at the enclosed document for some of the details - and go over to the event website to see what cars are going to be there.


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