Here Come De Judge

on June 07, 2012
I was once asked what I thought about camera clubs. I seem to have confused the questioner when I said that they were useful but not as easily concealed as a camera stiletto. It turned out that we were thinking about different things.

One of the other staff members and I will be travelling after work next week to address a camera club and to judge one of their competitions. This means we get to create widespread despair whilst enjoying a cup of tea and a biscuit - in exchange the photography enthusiasts get a little half time entertainment and the chance to beat their fellow club members.

It is all fair and above board, as no-one yet has offered a bribe for our good opinion. There are still three days before the competition, however, so we may hope. I am not quite sure what the going rate for a gold, silver, or bronze would be but I note that coins are made in gold, silver, and bronze and this cannot be just coincidence.

We have not fixed upon the entertaining talk we will give- there was a suggestion of a sort of " Good cop-Bad cop ", but neither of us wanted to be the good cop. As it will be dark by the time we get there I was sort of toying with " Pathfinder and Main Bomber Stream ". I must look out my maps and flares.

Perhaps it will be safest just to settle for bringing a box of the latest gear and doing a show and tell - or a show and argue, as the case may be. They will have been reading internet forums and we may be able to pick up a few good selling tips. At the very least it will be a night out - when it's over I hope they let me back in the house...

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