That's a good dog. Now just let me attach this harness to you and then we'll all have fun.
You have to admire dogs for their love and their patience with their humans. They are far more tolerant of us than we of them. But you've also got to admit that they let themselves be put into the most embarrassing and difficult positions.
Take the ones that haul milk carts in Belgium and the Netherlands. Or the malamutes and huskies that draw sleds in the Yukon and Alaska. Or the poor devils that were harnessed to machine gun carriages in WW1. Great job that - a dish of Alpo and a maxim bullet...
But none of them had to suffer the indignity of the Go Pro Fetch. The dog harness that turns Fido into Fellini. Amateur cinema's answer to the bird's-eye view, only this bird sniffs fireplugs along the way.

I daresay it works. The packet is sealed but it looks as though you get to securely attach more than one Go Pro - perhaps a chest and a dorsal view - and set them going. As Rover goes about his daily round you get to see the world through his eyes. Of course, dogs do not see as we do - being restricted in the colour spectrum they can perceive. Also, the harness will not allow us to know what they can smell - and that's their superpower.
What will Muttley think of this all? Again we are depending upon the good humour and resignation of the pooch to wear this stuff - I hope we can also count on his good sense kicking in early in the piece. I have a horrible feeling that strapping cameras to the poor beasts may induce the human to put the dog into more danger and trouble than otherwise would be the case. Horrible death-defying stunts and such - after all, the concept of being a hero works with teenage boys...
While defying death sounds good, what do you do when Death takes up the far he has always won. One should credit him with some expertise in what is, after all, his only business. Is there any sense in getting yourself or your innocent dog on his bad side?