Well, let's face it - as I was using a modern digital camera to capture some of the sights in the 2022 PhotoLive Expo at the Novotel, Langley, it was a dead cert that at least one of the trade stand operators was going to be able to say that to me.
Had I been using a Speed Graphic with PF100 blue flashbulbs and a 6-inch reflector, it might have been another story . That sort of thing is always a temptation...
As it was, I was hailed by the Fujifilm representatives and we could chew the rag for awhile. Even a former Fuji man who now reps for someone else remembered when I could milk some magnificent hot rod images out of a very old Fujifilm compact camera. The trick with that was to not know that I couldn't do it, so I just went right ahead and did. That sort of thing happens with
ALL sorts of cameras and lenses, as well, so don't think you are restricted, either. Go out and go mad with your own gear and surprise yourself.
Note also - never take the trade for granted. Sales people and sales firms change all the time - they open up new agencies, they close old ones. They move from state to state and take on new products. Employees change firms and appear for new products. Skill with photography is a portable and saleable commodity. And we seem to last a pretty long time...
I monitor the Fuji fan-boy site all the time and go to whatever product shows they have here in Perth. I dearly wish I could see their main museum in Tokyo - I plan to visit the Sydney shop set up as a permanent Fujifilm display and show office. So there were lots of things to see at Photo Live Expo 2022 that were Fujifilm but I might have known about them before. But I didn't know that one of the Instax cameras is proving to be the run-out hard-to-get hot seller for the firm.

The Mini Evo is a combination of a small digital camera with an Instax instant printer - combined in retro design with the ease of use of the mobile phone. It can integrate with your phone to edit images and reprint them. It can save them on a Micro SD card, It is a perfect selfie machine, even if your are not a perfect self. It's the sort of creative thinking that Fujifilm can boast due to its extensive different marketing and design departments.

It's not the only format for Instax, of course - these camera have become top-sellers in Japan for years. You can get big ones, wide ones, small ones, colourful ones, themed ones...etc. etc. The 10-shot film packs are available nearly everywhere and certainly
always at Camera Electronic.