Go See Pictures -You Like!

on September 26, 2013

Spring is sprung and the Gem Camera Club in Kalamunda has just opened its exhibition of photographs.

Tony Hewitt did the judging for 1st to 5th place - Tony is the Canon AIPP Australian Professional Photographer of the Year - this year, too! So he knows what's good. These images are good.

We're lucky, being sponsors of this event, in that we get to see the results. You would be well advised to go up to the ZigZag Cultural Center Gallery at 50 Railway Parade, Kalamunda from now until the 6th of October and see for yourself. They can sell the images - some have gone already. Their hours are 10:00 to 4:00 - probably in the day...

If you were wondering who won first place...Shirley Milburn - a very active and artistic member of a very active and artistic photographic club.

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