Fujifilm X-S10 - A Good Deal Like...

on March 14, 2021
Like many other cameras on the market at present - and I mean that in a complimentary way. This latest consumer offering from Fujifilm has been designed to incorporate a lot of things that people have learned that they want. You are cordially invited to agree. A disclaimer to start: I am a Fujifilm user and may well be thought of as a fan. So I am, but I am a fan with reservations - I do see some design decisions from the firm that make me go Hmmm. However, I still shoot their cameras and lenses. And also note that Fujifilm are big enough and mature enough that they can go off on design tangents occasionally. I think they have dedicated teams in their organisation that do this - dedicated to certain aspects of the business or certain markets. I'm willing to think that these designers and production developers support each other in a most harmonious fashion in the board meetings and then hunt each other through the office corridors with bows and arrow. Development money is development money... So what did Fujifilm think that people wanted, and how did it set about giving it to them? And why? I can answer the last part first...they wanted novelty to keep alive their brand in the face of fresh mirror-less competition. the ML market is expanding, thanks partly to Fujifilm themselves, and newer entries into it pick up newer technologies and designs. If a company keeps too long to the former shape or specification it risks being upstaged and eventually offstaged by the new entries. There is a pressing hunger for novelty in the world at large and even more so in the photo trade. What do people want? You, as a photographic person, may want something different from your colleague in detail but in general you want reliability and delivery of your preferred image. You might be selling it or saving it, but you gotta get it to start with. The images that the X-S10 gets are the sort of thing that an amateur or dedicated enthusiast wants. This is because of the size of the sensor - a professional Fujifilm user might well opt for the medium format GFX cameras. The form that it's made in - the central viewfinder and the swinging vlogging LCD screen - argue for current use. Also the joystick plus swiping screen - advances over the older D-pad and such...but only advances if you want to switch to them. Celebrate the fact that you can use the mode dial and program other dials to give you a very C or N feel to the operation. if you are coming from a C or N you get an easement into Fujifilm operation. You also get IBIS and can take advantage of it for travel and enthusiast shooting. Me? No, I'm equipped with 5 Fujifilm cameras at present and cannot sneak another into the house without discovery. I use the other models I have to do various shoots and have not been stinted by any of them. I may buy another lens or eight, but that is an entirely different matter to buying new cameras...Honest...

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