The Four-Cornered Marginal Lawsuit

on January 17, 2018

Like everyone else who reads this column every morning*, I read other columns every morning - Fuji Rumours, Fuji Love, and DP Review almost every day. The Fujifilm Cameras Australia Facebook column every few days. Ken Rockwell whenever I am feeling liverish.

You can vary the menu to suit your own brand - Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Sony, Olympus, Flapoflex...whatever. There's bound to be a forum, a fan site, and an official page that you can go to. Try not to be sucked into the vortexes of angry writers on the forums...if you become too involved the fun that you have a right to expect from photography may very well evaporate.

DP Review has reported on a number of lawsuits that seem to be developing between the current owners of the business rights to the Polaroid name and the Fujifilm corporation. The argument has been reported as having to do with the margins around square Instax prints and the fact that Polaroid used to make some of their pictures look like this. There is suit and countersuit at present, with bemused people like myself either looking on or looking away.

I'm a simple person, and am constantly surprised by the way that lawsuits develop and are pursued. I wonder at the sincerity of all parties involved and am sympathetic to the judges that have to deal with it all. I'd probably be more attuned to the whole thing if I watched law shows on TV - but the last courtroom drama I watched was Perry Mason in 1959 and it was evident from the first commercial who the guilty party was. And they didn't even have square white margins.

Super silly? Super greedy? You be the judge. It's not a bad job, because you get to wear these swirling silk gowns and a curly wig and you get to bang on the desk with a hammer. You'd have to be Dolly Parton or Thor to get away with that these days.

* Well I do. Otherwise how would I know where the selling mistakes are?


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