First of October Is Coming - Make Sure You Are Ready

on September 22, 2015

The first of October is just over a week away - Thursday morning will dawn before you know it and you need to be prepared for it now. Here's a Camera Electronic checklist to ensure that you will be ready in time:

1. Do you have that second camera body? If your first one fails on the evening of the 30th of September, will you have a second one ready to take over? Better call into the shop and purchase another one now and get the battery charged up in time for Thursday. A couple of spare lenses would be a good idea too.

2. Is your camera set properly? If you have just been fooling around recently or experimenting with different settings you may lose valuable time on Thursday morning re-configuring it. best do it now and then attach a tag to the camera strap lugs with a ready-to-go code. Flouro colours work best for this.

3. Have you remembered the grounding stake and connecting cable?

4. No-one likes a card snatcher - when you suddenly need more memory it is really bad manners to take the SD cards out of other people's cameras and reformat them for your own. Get a couple of spare cards and format them in readiness.

5. Are all your lenses protected with a filter - and one of the pressure-resistant ones at that? Hoya HD are really the safest bet for the 1st of October as the resist most scratches and damage. You might like to get a pair of welder's gloves if you are going to be really close to Thursday, the 1st.

6. Will you be using a tripod? Most people will. there is still time to call in and get one.

7. By the 14th it should all have settled down and you can begin processing your images - if you haven't signed yourself up yet to use any of the Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, or other fine products remember that we have a stand here with authorisation cards that you can purchase. There are a variety of plans.

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