Finally I Get To Use My Fujifilm Camera For Reporting...

on February 07, 2016

I'm going along to the Camera Electronic premises this Wednesday, the 10th, to learn about the new Fujifilm.

I'm going to take the Fujifilm I already own to do the report photos...the one that I just updated last night, fitted with the lens I already own that was also updated last night. That is the beauty of Fujifilm - whenever the factory thinks it can improve a product they issue an alert on the internet and then supply you with a free software signal to change your gear.

Essentially I got a brand new camera for nothing. Woo Hoo.

It speaks volumes about a company that monitors the wants of the customers as well as the financial situation in photography. It has always had a reputation for thinking ever so slightly outside of the a very good way. Older photo professionals will remember the Fuji medium format film cameras - both the fixed 6 x 7 and 6 x 9 rangefinder cameras and also the compact folders. Also the Fujifilm studio single lens reflex that combined movements with a system SLR in a way that even other major makers could not duplicate.

I'll leave you to the tender mercies of the " Fuji Rumors " web site to chew and speculate on upcoming cameras or lenses, and you can wander off into any number of posts from people using the current batch of digital cameras. They are as good or bad as their individual writers - you can make your own judgements. I enjoy the thing for what it is, but then I have to admit I also enjoy reading DOKR...Dear Old Ken Rockwell. I enjoy a laugh and the occasional flash of outrage and his posts are always a reliable source of both.

Back to Wednesday. I suspect it would be nice to ring the shop and tell them you're coming. It starts when the day's formal business concludes though in a way business will never cease - they'll be set up to take pre-orders for the new gear. There's to be a Fujifilm expert to present it and the usual refreshments. Probably the usual suspects as well.

You can be one of them, and if you were ever thinking about ditching larger and heavier cameras in favour of the mirror-less systems this is a good place to start looking.

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