Faster, Faster, Pussycat!

on June 27, 2012

And if you remember the rest of the title to that motion picture, you wasted your time in the cinema as much as I did. At least in them days there was popcorn and Jaffas that you could afford to buy...

Nowadays you can afford to buy a lot more for your home computer - and it looks as though the Apple people are going to make you do it by increasing the speed of their new devices. The new Apple Macbook Pro will have a USB 3.0 port in it at last. This is great - we've had USB 3.0 card readers in the shop for some little time now and finally you can take advantage of this improvement.

We've got card readers from Lexar, SanDisk, and Hoodman that will do this right now. They are very reliable and from the sounds of the tech specs, will materially improve the rate of data transfer for users of newer large-file cameras. Just looking at the front of the SanDisk ImageMate reader, it says it will go up to 500 MB/ second interface transfer speed. This is nearly as fast as a Siamese cat waking up when it hears you open the refrigerator door...come round our house and do a time trial.


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