Facebook and Blog Roll

on September 30, 2011
If you have a Facebook page that you would want Camera Electronic to "LIKE" then send your URL to adam@cameraelectronic.com.au with the Subject "Facebook LIKE", we only ask that you "LIKE" our Facebook page in return. If you do not know our Facebook page URL it is http://www.facebook.com/CameraElectronic.AUS . You can also forward this URL onto your friends.

If you have a Blog page and you would like to be on Camera Electronic Blog Roll then send your URL to adam@cameraelectronic.com.au with the Subject "Blog Roll". Our Blog URL is http://cameraelectronic.blogspot.com/ . You can also forward our Blog URL onto your friends.

It is all about the exchanging of information and at Camera Electronic we are at the forefront of bringing NEW products to the Photographic Community in Western Australia.

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