Entry on a Higher Level

on April 22, 2012
" Entry Level " is a phrase that gets bandied about quite a lot these days in reference to cameras - as does " Enthusiast " and " Pro ". Sometimes you wonder if these are labels or libels.

Take for example the new Nikon D3200 DSLR camera. Imagine entering photography with a 24 megapixel camera that is capable of working at over 12,000 ISO. One that has a full 1080 and 30P video operation, or a 920,000 dot LCD screen at the back. And capable of broadcasting via the WiFi system to send the images to a distant storage device, as well as recording them on an SDHC card.

Of course if you are used to being fabulous and far ahead of the crowd this may be nothing more than your due, but if you are one of the older generation of photographers that remember mixing our own film emulsion from reindeer hooves, it can seem nothing short of miraculous.

The fact that this camera is light and portable, and takes all the Nikon AF-S lenses for auto-focusing means that you have access to one of the world's most capable optical systems. There is literally no photographic task you cannot accomplish, nor any genre denied you on technical grounds. It will still be impossible to get a flattering shot of some people, but that is not Nikon's fault, nor yours. At least they will be well-lit and sharply focused, and the Expeed processor means there will be a good colour balance.

Keep watching this space and when they first appear in the shop, we'll tell you.

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