Emotional Photography

on May 07, 2020

We've all seen the memes floating through the internet that try to classify life with such terms as " Lawful Evil ", " Chaotic Good ", and some such. They can be on subjects as humble as how you store a loaf of bread. Well, what happens when you apply this game to photography...

a. Good Subject - Good Shoot - Good Result

How wonderful - You loved what you got to photograph, the planned shots all worked, and the resultant images are superb. You join the rest of the community in patting you on your back. Is that an award you see...?

b. Bad Subject - Good Shoot - Good Result

Well, not everyone wants their photo taken. But you persisted and eventually it all worked. You might not get a chance like this again - be content with what you got.

c. Good Subject - Indifferent Shoot - Bad Result

Shame on you. If you were not going to put some effort into it, what did you expect? You can make Niagara Falls look like a faucet leak if you just don't care. If the subject was a landscape no-one else will care either, but if it was a portrait or wedding you scuffed through, be prepared to be blasted.

d. Bad Subject - Bad Shoot - Good Result

What? What the heck was that all about? They liked the pictures and want to pay for them? Are they crazy? Do they want receipts?

e. Indifferent Subject - Indifferent Subject - Indifferent Result

Ever wonder who produces the photographic books for the remainder table? Or for library sales?


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