Elinchrom Big and Little

on December 11, 2011

I remember an old Benny Hill monologue in which he read a poem containing the words “if I had to do it all over again, I’d do it all over you”. I feel the same about the Elinchrom BXRi sets that have been delivered. Particularly the Big/Little kits – the 500ws and 250ws mix.

When you consider the fact that most people work with two lights for portraiture and small product and most will select some form of soft box as their fill, this kit composition really makes sense. There are two boxes in the kit and all you have to add is one hard reflector to give yourself at least 6 distinct light styles right out of the box. Start dialling the powers up and down and you can cope with the gnarliest old weather beaten baby or the softest and dewiest fisherman.

I’ve been using Elinchrom for 16 years and cannot fault it yet. As all the light shapers fit all the heads I can shift them around without moving light stands and there seems to be something for any application I can invent. Of course, like all studio shooters I stand in awe of some of the set-ups and gigantic reflector umbrellas that major studios in Europe or America affect, but short of a lotto win and the construction of a zeppelin hanger, I will never have that space to use.

That’s not the point. The things work far better than I deserve, so I shall continue to construct my own little world in the studio – light by Elinchrom.

Final note – if you want to be symmetrical about it you are perfectly free to purchase the BXRi 500/500 kits as we have them in stock as well. Put a softbox on both, set them into a hatchet lighting position and call your relatives in for the Christmas photo. Be sure to tell them not to smile....

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