Do Photographers Ever Retire?

on July 25, 2021

The answer depends on whether they have been in the business, trade, sport, or profession of photography. If they have, and have ceased before they have deceased, then yes, they have retired. But I am hard pressed to think of any trade people who have done so. No names, and none of us are fit enough for pack drill, but cast about at the next ex-trade affair and see for yourself. Old photographers are never really retired.

No need to get romantic about the smell of D-76 in the morning or artistic inspiration. Most people who have squeezed the rent and food out of a camera did because they knew how to do it and found there was a market for what they were prepared to do. That applies to a lot of professions. The fact that they got enough food to get to retirement age says they were a success.

But there is something about doing photography that we do not let go. The fact that it carves a place in posterity ( at least until the hard drive fails ) without having to be a novel writer or financial genius is comforting. It gives us a ticket to many things from which we would otherwise be barred. It also gives a ticket to things from which we would willingly run screaming. Santa photos have a place in my memory from the 1960's.

The fact that the art is a gentle one means that we can continue it far past the time when we could lift a musket or sail a windsurfing board. Of course the people who use the biggest of the sport and wildlife lenses would point out the flaw in this argument...they lift weights like Arnold Schwarzenegger every time they try for birds or football games. But the rest of us can retreat to smaller cameras and less demanding subjects and still do sterling work. Except it isn't work, because we're retired.

We've also developed judgement over the time in the trade - judgement that keeps us away from subjects that hold no more interest or for which there is no return. We may have dealt with these for we can launch out to pursue our own interests with the expertise built up for other people. We've likely got all we really need in equipment and will never need to buy more...he says, lying to himself and everyone else. We still buy, but we have passed through the worst of the gottahavits and can make much better use of our gear.

Retirement is many things to many people. A blessing or a curse depending upon circumstances and character. I think most retired photographers think it the former and do their utmost to enjoy it.


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