I was amazed this Christmas when my daughter took over operation of the television. Lest you dismiss this as nonsense - after all whose children do not dominate the tellie - what I mean is she took control of it from her iPhone and iPad.
It is done by a small box that passes the signals wirelessly from other devices into the TV. You can see cellphone and computer screens there in full HD - presumably other devices will synch into it as well. So far we have only tested toaster and the coffee pot but we will gradually work our way through the house.
It is an amazing demonstration of the connectivity and control available now and it calls to mind he products made by the enlight photo people - in particular the ioShutter cords.
If you have an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad you can use these devices to control what your digital SLR does. The connectivity is available for both Nikon and Canon users - as shown by the two packages below - and the range of things it can do is quite beyond the average cable release.
Now there is that, of course - you can get a classic hands-free activation of your camera by plugging the ioShutter cable between the cell phone and camera and pressing the button on the phone screen. Further, you can get your phone to act as an interval timer, time release mechanism, or long-exposure timer. This is just like the dedicated exposure controllers - but less expensive, and unlike the specific camera controllers, with this combination you can ring up and order pizza.
At this point the ioShutter takes off on a flight to weird - you can also activate the camera with sound - a feature they call ClapToSnap. And apparently there is also a provision to use the attitude-sensing capability of the cell phone to activate the camera - and this one is called ShakeToTake. Honestly. Look at the back of the packet.
To paraphrase Will Rogers: " I don't make jokes - I just report what the manufacturers do..."
Presumably you can set it to record pictures whenever a tugboat steams by - TootToShoot - or whenever a member of parliament makes a speech - LiarToFire...
In all these cases you go to something called an App Store and download the necessary information on the phone or pad. If it all seems too much, call my daughter and she will button it down for you. Just don't expect to get the television back anytime soon.