Choose Your Audience Wisely - Pick Your Time Well

on August 02, 2015

Did goe to a photographic exhibition on Saturday night as was greatley entertained. The photographer was handsome, debonair, and charming. I could not have admired him more.

The subject of the photographs was the work of another artist - Chelsea Bunz. She sculpts, paints, dances, and poses - quite the renaissance woman. While she could also exhibit some of her smaller sculptures or flatt-work on the walls, many of the things that she makes, does, or is could only be captured in photographs and framed up.

The framing was cutesy of Mr. IKEA. in addition to meatballs and plywood desks, this firm makes a very useful range of small wooden frames at inexpensive prices. The walls of Saturday night's venue held 5 x 7 and A4 examples of the RIBBA frame. It is white and plain, with either glass or acrylic window to display the prints. No great skill needed to frame up small work.

The venue? Bar 399 in William Street. Nestled in a little food village that has arrangements to send plates into the bar, it is a particularly welcoming little watering hole. The cocktails contain more liquor than water ( As opposed to the recipes used in Melbourne...) and are reasonably priced. The staff is cheerful, and probably pretty resilient. And the walls are covered in Chelsea's artwork - at least for the next two months.

Point of this post? Well, primarily, go to the 399, order a Blue Blazer or a Dark and Stormy and look at the pictures Buy one if you wish, or commission your own idea. You'll also be impressed with how handsome the photographer is when you see him.

And if you too have a bunch of pics that would go into IKEA frames and make up a story, why not scout around in your own neighbourhood for a public venue to display them in. Library? Cafe? Bar? Petrol Station. Doctor's Surgery? Come to some arrangement with he owner of the premises to let your work hang on the walls with a contact advertisement and take pride in it. Point your friends to the collection and maybe they will patronise the venue.

Note: Bar exhibitions are great. By 8:30 on Saturday night the drunks are all in place and switched on and they like bright colours. When they are happy, they are buying and that keeps the bar owner happy too.



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