Specifically, Wha Cha Got Noo? My standard question when I visit the
Camera Electronic Shop.
Sometimes the staff will throw something to me - sometimes it'll be
at me. It pays to be alert. This week I mooned around looking for novelty until the Sony representative - Sheryl Mauger - came in the door and I battened upon her with the question.
She plucked out several items - one of which I've put on the heading Image. It's the
Sony FE 12mm - 24mm full-frame lens. The reason she pulled ti from the cabinet for my pictures is that it is apparently flying off the shelves.
No wonder - an f:2.8 wide-angle zoom for the 24 x 36 sensor size that goes
that wide is actually a sensation. Remember that this is a rectilinear view of the world - not a barrel-distorted one or a fish-eye. Think architecture and landscape with the lines straight. This is apparently the widest 2.8 zoom made, and I can see it playing a major part for interior coverage at weddings or conferences that try to look good in reduced light.

Actually come to think of it, reduced light describes another field of endeavour that is popular these days - astrophotography. A wide field of view, no distortion, and a full stop faster ( ie, half the exposure time ) than many other competing lenses. I'll bet these go out into the dark bush on cold nights a lot.
I'll bet they go down to the seashore a lot too, as this is also a place that Western Australian photographers seem to favour for scenic work.
Come to think of it, as we have been prevented from going to see foreign shores recently - and may be still restricted for some time to come - you might find that you haven't spent your travelling money this year. Why not spend some of it on this lens and do some travelling here in WA?
Got it?