Canon to Release New Super Telephoto Line Up

on March 21, 2011

Canon are updating the line up of pro super telephoto lenses for the EOS system. The 300mm f2.8, 400mm f2.8, 500mm f4 and 600mm f4 are all set to receive new optical designs and significant changes in construction materials to make the lenses much lighter than the predecessors. Canon are also advertising the lenses as being much better suited for digital bodies with new and improved weather sealing and dust protection.

It will be interesting to see how Canon will improve what has been for many years a winning formula. The new optical design is said to reduce ghosting and flaring on digital sensors whilst at the same time reducing chromatic aberration to an absolute minimum.

The actual release date for the lenses is still a little unclear but we have already placed orders for the range of super-tele lenses and we will let you know when more information comes to hand.

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