Can You Think As Fast As Your Camera Can?

on February 24, 2022
Not if you're me, you can't. Nor can you see as well, nor so far nor as closely and finely. In fact, the little batteried box with the glass on the front can beat nearly all of us when it comes to vision and memory. This is a humbling thought for we monarchs of creation, but we've brought it on ourselves by creating photography. Be of good cheer - the camera and lens need not be your master if you enter into a bargain with it; you tell it what to do, and how to do it, and give it the freedom to operate. Reserve the rest of the artistic process for yourself. The camera cannot tell you what you are interested in recording - the closest it can come to this is to provide program icons that suggest activity or vision; sports, parties, portraits, etc. These are just shortcuts it suggests that might ( ...might...) produce good results. You are still the person who decides what subject is to be pictured. You also get to decide when - though, if you are in a bind and cannot fix upon an exact moment to release the shutter, programs in some cameras will do it for you. You can set some to do time-exposure, repeated shots, or a sequence of shots at high speed. This is servant's duty - you give the task and the camera accomplishes it. You can safely leave the how of the situation to the mechanism and circuits. if they are capable of doing a task, they will nearly always do it. Failures are mostly in capability, not actual operation. If you do have faults, manufacturers can repair or replace - indeed Camera Electronic's service department can do this as well. We cannot correct your vision or skill, but we can make your camera servant obey you. The last decision - why - is up to you. You may have commercial need - and there is enough equipment to satisfy nearly any worker. You may have artistic need - and again the range of things that the average camera can do may far exceed the number of ideas that you have ( this is me to a " T " ...). Here Camera Electronic, camera clubs and photographic societies, TAFE, and any number of book shops can help. If you study, read, attend classes, discuss things, and just take time to think, you can start to speed your visual mind up closer to the pace at which your electronic servant can go.

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