" But This Is All For Idleness..."

on December 03, 2020
You might be struck by this quotation - struck, stunned, and a dragged away to be devoured at the leisure of whoever says it to you - upon going into many shops. Certainly fashion stores, jewellers, and boutiques might draw forth this response. And trinket shops. Also think of the stores that sell beds and mattresses - they are doing nothing more than abetting idleness and sloth - if they are good bedding stores. Is there no morality in retail trade? No severe work ethic that couples noses to grindstones effectively? Where is the old pioneer spirit of sad utility and want when we need it? Well, you can still have it when you go to the right places. Air compressor shops, for instance. They may be very good ones - the one I frequent is - but there is no singing or dancing. Lots of agencies and offices sell hard work, too, and their employees know it. But not Wanderlust. You might go to the Murray Street or Stirling Street shops of Camera Electronic and engage yourself in workaday purchase and supply for your photo business seven days a week. You can be as professional and serious as you wish - there are serious professionals there who will work with you. But when you come into Wanderlust - 675 Hay Street Mall - come for a bit of fun. Come for the robots. Come for the drones. Come for the music boxes and the surfboards and the electric scooters. Come for something light-hearted that will be interesting to play with when you are not at the coal face. Most of the products on the Wanderlust shelves are of this nature, but they can all be linked in a person's life to more serious things. The little Leica camera can go travelling - when we can fly again - and it will be doing amazing pictures for you all the time. Ditto the Panasonic or Sony or Ricoh or Nikon...If you need the mega-monster professional torpedo lens go to one of the other shops and start to investigate. If you need a holiday snap camera drop into Wanderlust. Leisure is not disease, or immorality, or waste. In many cases it is the medicine in life the prevents those three plagues. Realise that you'll have more of it as time goes on, and that the sorts of things that Wanderlust sells can make good use of it. If someone robs you of your leisure and just rolls up a bigger grindstone, consider withholding your nose.

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