And this time it is using the new
Canon EOS R camera with the
24-105 f:4 L IS lens...but it is direct comparison to the current system - an APS-C Fujifilm X-T2 camera with
18-55 f:2.8 lens. The dedicated fans of either system can smile or frown at the tests and results but I don't care - i am testing this out as fairly as I can on my own turf...actually my own tabletop.
Right - let's get the thing clear - we all know that for any given angle of view, a camera that sports a larger sensor will have to use a longer focal length to achieve that. And that longer focal lengths result - all other things being equal - in less depth of field. That's the not-a-secret that lets portraitists get those beautiful creamy backgrounds. For the ones who insist on using their lenses at maximum aperture it can also lead to creamy ears and tips of noses...
But for the tabletop shooter, depth of field is essential - hence my decision to shoot with the best of the APS-C cameras. Shorter focal lengths - greater depth of field - sharper focus overall for my immobile subjects. Technical bugs can go over to the DOFMaster site on the internet and spend hours comparing apertures, focal lengths, and DOF for all the lenses they own.
My airfield tests were done using the giant Gitzo tripod - the car shots with the standard studio stand. Fortunately the Canon EOS R makes it easy to mount the Elinchrom Skyport trigger and shoot the standard strobes. Also fortunately, it has easy access via the mode button and surrounding ring when you want to go all-manual. NO guessing about strange little symbols on a touch screen.

Note that colour rendition may be slightly different between the Fujifilm and Canon images due to internal processing, but the other criteria - speed, aperture, and ISO were the same between cameras.

Not particularly visible, but more DOF with the Fujifilm - better focal plane sharpness with the Canon.

Ah, but here that DOF problem dominates - the front bumper and rear hubcap of the Peerless are noticeably sharper with the APS-C sensor - the studio sign behind breaks up with the full-frame sensor. Good if you wanted pays your money and you takes your effect...
Now, can a full-frame user be happy with small product and tabletop shots? Yes, if they dispose the pictorial elements in the correct planes. ( not a pun ). Heres the Corsair in focus but the Junkers and the Vultee not.

But if you set the subject at right angles to the sensor it is all fine.

I must record that the lens stabilzation of the new 24-105 is wonderful when you are just taking a single shot - you can climb off the tripod and just pick your angle as you choose. This would be a
dynamite camera for the art gallery or museum shooter.
Well, first round to the APS-C sensor...for my purposes. Tomorrow out in the open air and a test between two zooms in better light.
Note: The silent shutter of the
Canon EOS R is just that. Totally quiet. There is a little flash of light in the EVF to tell you that you've actually taken a picture but no-one else hears a thing. This would be an important point for stage, courtroom, operating theatre, or surveillance cameras.
PS: Like the new big hangar? I can service twin-engine feeder airliners in there.