If you are determined, we can't stop you. Indeed, the best thing that can be done is to reach into the Sigma cabinet and pull out the
14mm f:1.8 DG HSM Art lens and let you put it on your Nikon or Canon. Then you can head out for your architecture, landscape, or astrophotography and we can feel that we've done our best for you.

You will not go away lightly - you'll be adding 1120 g to your burden, and if this is out bush to get the landscape or the star view, that's a significant weight. No wonder- the barrel is fully professional and there are 16 elements - three of them aspherical - inside it. You'll be operating the aperture electro-mechanically with either mount and you'll also have an option to add a rear filter if you're using the Canon version.
Quite what you can do with a filter arrangement up the front is beyond me - this is a very wide view of the universe for a full-frame camera - and the adaptation you'll need for a graduated ND filter is likely to be somewhat scaffold-like.
It's not a common lens, nor a cheap one. They make them in Aizu, Japan and each one that leaves the factory is individually tested - no taking it for granted. The chromatic aberration and distortion figures are remarkably low.
The fact that this is a very cool-looking lens should have no bearing on your choice. But you can make sure that everyone sees you using it, just the same. Just make sure that they keep their darned fingers away from that coated front element.