Big Deal! - It's A Blog Bag! Think Tank Second Brains!

on December 11, 2014

Blogging for a living is meant to be hard work, but that is just to keep you away from doing it. It's actually easy as, if you just remember to tell a story.

Same thing blogging for fun. You can say what you like and the only people who complain are the officers from the national security agency that arrive at the door with a warrant. In my case they arrive regularly and we have coffee. Hey, Earle!

Taking the blog away from the main computer is easy as well* - many of us have laptops that can be connected to the net for free with dongles or for money in hotels. The same can be done with the smaller cousins of the computer - the tablets. And the even smaller smart phones. Mind you there is a point at which the screen gets too small to see and the fake keyboard too small to type on - at that point you are better off holing up in the bar and writing postcards.

If you are out on the road, writing, Think Tank have a very good series of bags to tote the machinery. The one you see in the picture is intended for iPad and iPad Mini tablets and have dedicated pockets for iPhones and an iSandwich. It has a shoulder strap and enough space within to take the adapters and chargers of both an iPad and a compact camera.

It is the blogger's entire armamentarium in one place. All you need is wifi, Wordpress or Blogger, and you can assault the senses of the entire planet.

* Also known as taking it on the lam...or the Lamb, if you are given to longer literary essays...

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