Big Day Out

on January 18, 2012

No, not the rock festival. If you want to get deafened, dehydrated, and arrested you will have to do it on someone else's blog. This one is about photography.

I just sold a large format camera to a young man. He’s fit and keen, and needs to be, as the camera is weighty and he’ll be backpacking it for landscape shots. I look forward to great things from him as he has grasped a lot of the principles of the monorail straight off. He has a packet of FP4 and two double dark's and provided he eats a good breakfast he should be able to bring back some magic images. – four per day.

Another person might venture out with a medium format film camera – good value these days – and work hard all day with two rolls of film – that’s 24 shots.

Got the 35mm camera ready? At the price of good colour slide film and processing these days, you’ll want to make sure you use those 36 shots carefully. On holiday? Go mad with two rolls. 72.

Ahh, the point and shoot digital camera. Three cards set to take medium jpegs. The resulting 6000 shots should be just about right to capture the wonders of Kuta Beach. And then you’ll need to find someone who will sit still and continue to breathe while you show them all 6000. Start asking around your friends now...

Not me. I’m going to look at the 4 pictures from the large format camera.

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