We all have slow periods in out photography - times when there seems to be no new thing to do or to photograph - times when the Latest New Look has been recycled from 1987. Our monthly visits to the camera club begin to pall and even a good argument late at night on a camera-fan forum seems to be unrewarding...
These are the times when Retail Therapy can step into give meaning to our lives. We all know that a couple of hours spent in garden City or Carousel or Karrinyup walking around disrupting the sales displays followed by a cappuchino and a doughnut can make all the difference. Well camera stores are no different - though you won't get baked goods or designer coffee.
Every photographer has at least some small space left in their camera bag for something else - even if it is just a bubble level or microfibre cloth. Larger spots can be filled with lenses - and even if we never actually use them, they can be taken out of the case and clipped on the camera just in case the perfect picture appears in front of us. And they can become optical members of the family - possessions to be treasured and puled out when visitors come over and defended stoutly on the internet.
Well now is the time for you to come on down to Camera Electronic and gladden your heart with something in glass and aluminium. Or something that needs to have the battery charged before using. Or another damned battery charger to replace the ones you have already left in hotel rooms across Europe...
You may even be struck by The Beam Of Light - that nearly mythical purchase that sends a flash of inspiration into your soul and opens up the floodgates of creativity. Jackson Pollock had one of those one day when he went to his local Bunnings and found the paint tin without the lid. And didn't that work out well.