At Last - Hoodman Makes The Video Loupe We Have All Been Waiting For

on May 13, 2013

Yup. Hoodman have done it. They brought out the camera support frame to marry their new Hoodloupe to the Canon DSLR cameras.

This was on the cards for a while - as soon as the H-32 and CH -32 loupes came out with the integrated 1/4 20 threaded socket set into the underside of the body, we knew they were working on a support system for it.

In the past they had depended the 3.0 loupes from the hot shoe of various cameras - and we hasten to add that this option does still exist for users of cameras other than Canon. And there were rubber straps that hugged the DSLR body to position the 3.0 loupes as well. Heck, I even got one to sit successfully on an Olympus compact camera, which surprised even me...

But now we have the new Custom Finder Kit. Machined aluminium anodised black frame, with a firm and direct connection to the 32 loupe, and a proper connector for the tripod screw socket at the bottom of the camera. As you'll see from the images, there are also two adjustable support arms that rest against the front of the camera body and prevent twisting away from the loupe.

We do not know if these arms are going to let the custom finder frame sit against cameras from other manufacturers, but you can bet we're going to find out in the next few days. A little experimentation with an allen key is in order.

You'll note a big brass knob on the LHS of the frame - you can release the loupe holder from the main frame if you want to take the rig apart for normal still shooting.

Okay - if you are determined to take video with your Canon, this is your rig.

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