Are There Too Many Bags?

on January 12, 2016

One of our staff members asked this the other day as we were pulling him from under the display pile that had collapsed. It was a good thing that he made a noise under there or we would have left him for another night...

Apart from this, the question has been raised in a retail and a photographic sense - and I think we can say a definite "No" to both cases. If it looks as though there are too many on the sales floor the answer is simply to sell them to customers...or get a larger sales floor. In the case of the working and enthusiast photographers, they can never have too many bags.<name>=Bags-and-Cases&catalog<decision_model_guids><0>=b12f1359-703e-47ea-9238-da43bce0c98d

To prove this point we have hauled out the purple Superior backdrop paper to pay tribute to one of the little heros of the Vanguard range - The Oslo single-strap sling pack. This one is the perfect choice for an active mirror-less fan.

It is small as packs go but very well built. Note the padded sling, the stabilising strap, and the accessory loop for a tiny tripod. It is a side-opener, and you swivel it around to your front when you want to dive into the camera compartment. Figure one body and three lenses in there - or ditch one lens and pack a flash gun.

The camera you see in the illustration is a Fujifilm X-Pro1 with additional cage grip - it slides in easily. The woman on the LCD screen is an Amazon firing a French fusil. As you do, as you do.

The top compartment is designed for a small tablet -my iPad Air Retina 2 is a little wide for it - and a couple of Eccles cakes and a bottle of Tizer. The zips are sturdy and duplicated on this compartment.

It is an inexpensive and lovable answer for your smaller outfit.

Take a look at our online bag section.

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