An Apology To Readers

on May 15, 2017

You may have noted a few irregularities in the presentation of this column in the last week or so. We apologise for any confusion.

The changeover to the Wordpress system has gone largely as planned, though there have been a few inadvertent postings and one missed day due to security changes.

The keyboard here at the editorial desk has also absorbed what looks to be the remains of a scone with jam on it - strawberry jam - and as a result the "e" key sometimes sticks. I note that occasionally the word "the" is rendered as " thee". While we are friendly, we have not become Friends. There will be no "thou".

On an upbeat note, the graphic design department of the Weblog has acquired a new secondhand Pepin Press book of 1950's floral designs. Whenever there is no particular camera or lens to illustrate you can have a nice pattern - the featured image may well be Mamie Eisenhower's bathroom curtains.


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