If you are one of those people who takes a heap of photos on your mobile phone you then:
1. Post them on Facebook
2. Post them on Flicker
3. Lose them when the mobile phone is stolen/broken.
All the advertising so far to make you take your phone in to a chain store and print out the images on it have failed, so they are still on there. The pictures of your dinner, of you in the bathroom taking selfies, the pictures of the dog dressed in a onesy...
Well, conquer the inertia - Fujifilm have produced the perfect answer for you. Connect a mobile smart phone to the Fujifilm Instax Share printer and load up the app. Also load up a cartridge of the little Instax film - there are 10 shots to each cartridge.
Then send the picture from your phone to the Share and out pops a picture that develops right there in front of you - 90 seconds.
Of course you might not be as photogenic straight away as the two individuals seen in the heading photo, but keep practising and you will get there.
Trust Fujifilm to come up with a simple fun idea like this.