AIPP The Event - The Nikon AIPP Event

on November 17, 2011
Those who do not know The Nikon AIPP Event was held in Adelaide this year from October 23 - 26. Two of our staff members attended this incredible event. Over the next few weeks both members will be blogging their daily activities and bring to you what went on and what was talked about.

This first installment is from Gavin Carvahlo from the Sunday Session.

Whilst the official start to the AIPP Event was to be on Monday, we were treated to a couple of nice talks on the Sunday.

Starting off we had the choice of Urs Buhlman’s Advertising, Stephen Jones’ E-Newsletters and Tony Hewitt’s Communication with Clients. I attended Tony’s lecture.

I didn’t quite know what to expect but I was in for a treat! Originally I thought it would be a talk just about how a professional photographer interacts with his potential customers (for those of you who don’t know Tony is a Perth based photographer and is one of a handful of Photography Grandmasters). What it turned out to be was a talk about how we as humans communicate and its relevance extended to everyone in every situation! During the talk he got everyone to stand up, pair off and play rock, paper, scissors to demonstrate a very cool point about how we unconsciously communicate our energies. The important point I learned was that we are always communicating through means we are not always aware of, such as body language, the tone of voice we use and that this constant communication reflects who we are as people and thus the relationships we then create.

Tony Hewitt is an excellent speaker, and in fact he was the MC for the entire AIPP Event.

In between talks there was an exhibition by Hilary Wardhaugh titled “Die like a Dog” about one of her closest friends’ last hours as he succumbed to the ravages of cancer. Moving many to tears, her amazing tribute shows us how powerful photography can be.

In the second talks we got to choose from Philip Andrews’ Photoshop 101, Juliet Taylor’s Advertising/Marketing, Rosh Sillars’ Social Media and Sue Bryce’s Portraiture. I went to Sue’s lecture.
Sue is a very successful glamour photographer and in her talk she discussed with us how she approaches her photography. Even though the title of her seminar was Portraiture she was talking more about her interaction with her customers and her life philosophies rather than getting into the gear or technical aspects of her photography. This was a refreshing revelation as I personally find these aspects far more rewarding and significant to photography than the equipment.

Do check out these artists whenever you can!

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