A Rewarding Experience With Nikon Australia

on May 06, 2013

This may come as a shock to the readers of this blog, but I have just found out that people sometimes forget that here in Western Australia we can supply Nikon cameras, lenses, and accessories from the proper Nikon Australia source with the proper Nikon Australia warranty. When they go off on the computer and buy a Nikon product from a vague on-line site they can miss out on this valuable resource.

Nikon Australia have come up with a wonderful idea to reward photographers who buy locally from a real Nikon dealer. They have instituted a program called " Nikon Local Rewards " that will apply to a number of their products.

Basically, during a fortnight period, Nikon Australia will nominate some of their products to attract the reward - when you buy them from an authorised local dealer you can then go back home, go online to one of the sections of the My Nikon Life website and then register your product. You'll get an extra year's factory warranty (Yay!), plus a selected reward voucher for a number of local and national products. The Nikon items that will attract the rewards will change every fortnight or so, and this means that everybody will get a dip in the barrel.

I see logos for Hoyts, Disney, Rebel, magazine subscriptions, and a lot more. And these are not mingey rewards - we're talking a hundred bucks. You won't get that from pop-up names on the net...

I'm a Nikon user and I love the brand - you can too and get the advantage of local help, Australia-wide service backup, and a neat return to your pocke. Go to the website now and see what you can find.

Note: The My Nikon Life website is great for ideas and learning as well.

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