A Hot Week Weblog Post

on February 09, 2016

Congratulate yourself - you made it to Wednesday with enough energy to turn the computer on. Now if you can get all your messages done before the battery in the laptop makes the case glow with heat, you might be able to get to Thursday.

In the meantime stop in tonight at the shop and see the new Fujifilm gear and mark up your calendar for the Olympus Pen F launch as well - this will be on the 17th of February.

Rod Lawson Kerr will be speaking about this new model and there will be a good chance to try it out. Light refreshments at the Camera Electronic Shop at 6:00 on the night but do RSVP to the shop beforehand so that they can reserve a toothpick for you.

Note: the shop is air-conditioned but it is unnecessary to wear fur coats or heavy parkas to protect yourself from the cold.


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