Looks like the Nikon people ( All three of them - it is a big factory, after all...) have come out with two new bits of gear. Not here in the shop yet, so stop reaching for the phone, but they will be coming. Here's as much as I can glean:
1. New Camera - D5300.
This is the update of the D5200 with added features; 24 megapixel sensor, no AA filter, larger LCD screen and viewfinder. Seems to have built-in GPS and WiFi, as well as 1080/60 video recording.
They will be available as bodies, natch, and also kitted up with the new 18-140 lens. This is exactly what I predicted...
Apparently there will also be an increase in battery life - up to 600 shots in a charge. As I do not know how they set themselves up for this measurement in relation to screen use or flash use, I can only wait and see. The shutter will go at 5 fps in the continuous mode.
2. New Lens - 58mm f:1.4G
Those of you who used 35mm cameras in the olden dayes may remember the 58mm focal length - it was seen on some Topcon, Zenit, and Minolta cameras. Generally with a wide aperture, it was long as a standard but good in low light.
Now Nikon are putting out a new double-aspherical lens in their G range with this focal lenght. It is intended for the most precise work in low light - very well corrected for coma and aberrations. Good bokeh.
The literature mentions use for night cityscapes and astrophotography - it also mentions a projected price that is above other Nikon standard-length lenses. The cutting edge, it would seem.
As usual - when they throw some of these products in through the front door, we'll tell you.