Lighting Up Our Imaginations

on August 15, 2023

Let’s face it - unless we are in a coal mine at midnight, or in some of the suburban function halls I have tried to shoot pictures in, we can nearly always see something. If we are lucky there is good light and if we’re not, we bring our own.

The older options of flash powder or speed lights are all very well - and we use them sometimes - but more and more we like to rely on studio strobes or LED constant lighting. The one for action stopping, and the other for action continuing i.e. video.

Strobes need power that often comes from mains circuits - there are some battery units, though, and whichever power you choose, you get a pretty broad range of light shaping accessories too spread or narrow it.

The Phottix light shapers seen at the recent PhotoLive Expo were fitted with Bowens moonlight mounts and have a very interesting half-ball shootthrough sharp. I saw the sizes - one 85 cm and one 65 cm. These G-Capsule systems seem to have grids, umbrellas, soft boxes all in one, and could form the basis of a pretty good basic kit.

I could not resist the thought of mushrooms on the lawn.

The other side of the trade hall held the Rotolight table with a couple of circular LED arrays in their own reflectors. These are battery or adapter-powered systems that have a full control for colour temperatures and tints as well as intensity. One light was open to show the LED array within.

I was particularly impressed with the mounts and handles on the back - too often the makers of lights forget that they will need to be handled constantly.

Rotolight have many competitors, but few do a multi-light as well.
